Have you ever wanted to “be in community” with other artists like the Impressionists?
Impressionism is a 19th-century art movement that originated with a group of Paris-based artists.
We wanted to start an art movement like this in Nashville, so we started a group.
The Nashville Creative Group started meeting in August of 2012 and has been meeting every 2nd Monday since then. We see new faces every single month so there’s no commitment to join we just want to offer this as a way to equip artists with the knowledge they need to succeed by learning from each other.
We are painters, songwriters, musicians, photographers, social media gurus and so much more! We are all professionals in our field and know that by networking together we can accomplish more with our careers.
We discuss a wide variety of topics as a group and want to see it grow organically. There’s no set agenda, just an open forum to talk about what artists need and together we brainstorm solutions.
For more information please join our group on Facebook or subscribe to our email invitations.
If you have any questions please email me at beth@binglishART.com.