Study business, and don’t let people talk you out of being one. – Mollie Downton Be true to yourself and your gift. There are many ways to pursue an art career;...
Do not fear. And if you do, walk right through it. Fear silences and stops. Action cannot happen in fear. Walk in humility. Ask for help, seek counsel, build a team....
It’s hard to really to know a person. But, I think it’s even harder to know yourself. Knowing means awareness and awareness means vulnerability and that means assuming...
The creative process is a wonderful model for change. You take nothing, turn it into something, and everything in between is the process of discovering what you notice —...
How would you like to become your best creative self? That seems to be what everyone in my community is looking for. It’s what I’m looking for. And I have an answer....
The best shift I’ve made to increase my creativity is to love with intention. My relationship with creativity was wrapped in fear, shame, and enough self doubt to stop...
Nashville has a brand new bus on fleet and it comes with joy. The ‘Joy Bus’ was designed and created with the intention to bring more joy to the community using...
It’s no secret that Nashville is bursting with artists and opportunities for them. The biggest problem is connecting artists and those opportunities in one simple...
I’m very interested in the eyes and how they communicate vulnerability or lack thereof. I look people in the eye because I want to know their heart underneath all the walls...
Vulnerability… As soon as things get uncomfortable or scary our first reaction is to run away. Could we be running away from what we’re supposed to be running towards?...
It’s no secret that all of us as Americans live in culture where success is measured by money. We are programmed as children to work hard, get a good education and strive...