As soon as things get uncomfortable or scary our first reaction is to run away. Could we be running away from what we’re supposed to be running towards?
Being vulnerable is hard for everyone. We live in a culture that leaves many of us feeling inadequate at the end of the day. The beautiful and the rich are constantly in front of our faces waving their flag of success.
So for an artist to completely bare their soul and influence their work based on who they are is actually an amazing accomplishment.
Overcoming fear takes courage and all courage means is to do it afraid. I heard that for the first time a year ago and that’s when I started doing everything afraid. It changed my life.
For the first time I was working towards goals and my fears stopped controlling my decisions. I felt it, disregarded it and moved on. It took practice and became a learned habit.
I still get butterflies when I’m about to sing in front of a group or show my artwork, but doing it afraid is better than not doing it at all. Be confident, be vulnerable and you’ll impact many more people that way.